Bill Walles, Lead Pastor (he/him)
I helped start Hope, along with a wonderful core group of great leaders, nearly 12 years ago. However, doing a church plant wasn’t always my life's plan. I grew up hoping to be an actor, and even went to Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma as a theater major. Fortunately, God could see that I was never going to make it on the stage and called me into ministry instead. I went to Seminary in the Twin Cities, where I also married my college sweetheart, Sarah. From there, I’ve had the chance to serve in ministry in some exotic and fun places like Mexico, Phoenix, and even Omaha! Sarah and I now have 4 amazing children, and couldn’t be any happier than to call Lake Stevens and Hope our home for years to come. I’m allergic to almost every kind of animal – but we do have a Russian Box Tortoise named Speedy (he’s a total diva!) My hobbies are theater, tennis, wine tasting (for real, I have a small wine cellar and if you ever stop by the house I’d love to show it off!) Some of my favorite movies are Coco, La La Land and every single Star Wars movie ever made!
If you have any more questions feel free to email me directly at
I'm glad you've found Hope, and I hope to see you soon. We have loved our new partnership in Lake Stevens - and can't wait to see what God does next with all of us.
- Bill
Sarah Walles, Praise Team Leader (she/her)
My greatest joy in life is talking about myself. So, when I was asked to write a bio about myself for our church, you can imagine the overwhelming excitement I must have experienced. I wasted not a moment in getting on my computer to compose this intriguing bio, and the words just flowed and flowed. Or not.
I was raised in a good ‘ol Lutheran family in Minnesota in which humility was key. You didn’t boast about yourself or try to be the center of attention. So, I do find it ironic that God has brought me to this place in which I am up in front of people leading worship every Sunday. It is not because I love the spotlight -- it is because I love Jesus and music. And I do love that I have the opportunity every week to share His love, His grace, His forgiveness, His hope through music.
Outside of church, I work as an Elementary School Music Specialist in the Lake Stevens School District, and cheer on my four kids (Plus one daughter-in-law) and support them in the activities that bring them joy. I love to play games, swim laps, and sip a nice glass of wine…not necessarily in that order.
I am married to the pastor. That makes staff meetings interesting. But honestly, I love working with my husband. He just loves Jesus. I love watching God use him each and every day to reach people for His glory, and it is a privilege for me to be on this journey with him. It’s my sincere wish that you come and visit Hope and feel our love for Jesus Christ and His love for you.
- Sarah
Brandon Wilson, Praise Team Leader (he/him)
Nice to meet you, my name is Brandon Wilson!
Your story is important. Your story is connected to your friends, your family and The Divine. My job as a worship leader, in my opinion, is to understand that we each bring a story into a Sunday morning experience. We must take our story that unfolded this past week, or is currently unfolding in this last month, year, season, and put some movement behind it. You are invited, every week, into a story that spans the human experience, my job is to remind you of that. Whatever story you bring, know that you are welcomed here, you are wanted here and you are loved here.
As far as I go... I'm a pastor's kid who grew up singing in church since I was 5 years old, and I've been on staff at churches for the past 15 years. If you want to be my best friend, make me deviled eggs. I'm also a certified Enneagram Coach and love when I get to help people connect the dots to who they truly are and how they operate in the world.
Be well, be kind to yourself and those around you, and know that you matter.
Grace & Peace
Kim Reynolds, Connections and Groups Manager (she/her)
A lifelong fan of the church and ministry, Kim brings “the fun” to all she does. A seeker of light and love, she’s cheering on students, volunteers and families at Hope to BE the church. When she’s not getting creative lessons together, she’s designing places and spaces and helping folks find and sell their homes. She has a long-standing, semi-neurotic addiction to coffee, post-it notes and sharpies and has never met a bagel she didn’t like!
Bridgett Macafee, Youth & Family Director (she/her)
A while back (ok, a long while back), I was asked to help with my then church’s senior high program. With two little ones at home and a clear memory of my own teen years (sorry Mom and dad), I thought the pastor had lost his mind. Even so, I agreed and you know what? Some of my favorite memories are with those kids. Those few years were awesome. God is so smart. I am so not.
New jobs took my family out of the area for a number of years, but gave us the opportunity to volunteer in different churches and in different ministries.
Fast forward to today, my girls are now college-aged, we’re back in the same geographic area we started in, the senior high kids I worked with have kids of their own, and I am blessed to work with the same pastor who introduced me to youth ministry. Crazy circle of events, right?
This time though, I get the opportunity to work with kids of all ages and the most amazing group of volunteers. Our team has the honor of teaching kids about Jesus’ love, offering them grace and acceptance, putting on events to be silly and have fun, and creating space to wrestle with the hard questions.
We’re so excited you’re here and would love for your family to be a part of Hope.
For questions about our Kids and Youth Programs, please reach out to Bridgett or Pastor Bill
Kimberly Gildroy, Office Manager (she/her)
Kimberly joined the Hope team in January 2024 to provide part-time office support. As this is a new position, she is enjoying the process of developing this role. She also works part-time as an office manager for Central Lutheran Church in Everett, WA. In her spare time, she is an avid quilter, quilting tops and sewing bindings on quilts for Lutheran World Relief, as well as creating her own quilt patterns. Kimberly also enjoys spending time on her 11-acre property, as weather allows, enjoying nature in her own backyard. She’s happy to be a part of an organization that extends open arms and open hearts to everyone in their community.